Biblical Names for “Heal”ing

Sarah asked for Biblical names, either sex, which have meanings containing concepts like “join”, “heal”, or “repair”.

Right away I was about to tell her that Raphael and Raphaella referred to “healed by God” (or, “God heals”), and Raphael of course is a Biblical name, while Raphaella is a female derivative. So, for me this was the most obvious (and perhaps due to my own personal preferences!), but the Bible is full of meaningful names, so let’s explore a few other options.


Raphael is the angel who is said to talk to doctors, or anybody with the task of healing and caretaking.

Levi, male, to be joined
Jahdo, male, united
Josiah, male, Yahweh heals
Asa, male, healer
Bethesda, place name (a place of healing), house of mercy
Hadashah, feminine place name, new or repaired
Azaba, feminine, restore or repair
Rephaiah, male, healed by Yahweh

This is by no means a complete list, because there are always a variety of possibilities, especially when we play with root words (as I have, with Azaba). Additionally, many people consider using -iah names in a unisex fashion, so I suppose if that appeals to you, it’s always an option– particularly for the lesser known names.

What do you think?