“Rocket” & Other Space Names

Becky wrote to us:

Back at it again! This time I’m having a boy we named Gabriel but we don’t have a middle name. My 5 year old called the baby “Rocket” for a long time and I thought it’d be cool to pay homage to that for his middle name. Other than “Rocket”, what other space related names can you think of? I haven’t been able to really find any lists on google. Thanks! 🙂

screenshot-2017-01-11-at-11-32-31-amAnd then she added that she had named her other children Annabelle Grace, Isaac Christian, and Claire Elise. She was interested in any traditional names, as well. The last name will begin with L. So here is what I have to say to Becky–

First of all, you already know that I think Rocket is a great name. It’s cool, it’s out there, and your 5 year old is a genius. (My firstborn actually gave a middle name to *her* little brother, too…. Something I didn’t even realize was a name yet at the time.) Anyway, just in case you’d like to explore your options, here are some.

Gabriel Orion
After the constellation
Gabriel Cosmo
Gabriel Comet
Gabriel Starr
Gabriel Neptune
Gabriel Apollo
Greek god of the sun, and name of the space programscreenshot-2017-01-11-at-11-38-45-am
Gabriel Ripley
After the astronaut hero from the movie “Alien”
Gabriel Moon
Gabriel Titan
The largest of Saturn’s moons
Gabriel Rider
A reference to being on a rocket?
Gabriel Odyssey
Gabriel Frontier
Gabriel Galaxy
Gabriel Kennedy
After the space center, where rockets launch from
Gabriel Skylar
Has “sky” in the name
Gabriel Houston
A reference to the space center location
Gabriel Chase
Sounds like traveling during a space voyage…
Gabriel Ferdinand
This is one of the moons of Uranus, and Ferdinand means roughly “adventurer”. Ferdinand was also the first name of Magellan, so this name has space-rocket-navigation written all over it.
Gabriel Orbit
Gabriel Gauge
Gabriel Miles
Could allude to space travel, right?

Some traditional or more common names…

Gabriel Hunter
Although this could be loosely tied to Orion, who is known as The Hunter.
Gabriel Nathan
Means “gift from God”, so, a gift from… the heavens? 🙂 
Gabriel Julian
Gabriel Cooper
Gabriel Paul
Gabriel Rocco

Close to Rocket…
Gabriel Max
Gabriel Joseph
Gabriel Colton
Gabriel Owen
Gabriel Jaden
Gabriel Houghton
Gabriel Eckhart

Watch the initials with middles that start with A or R, in case that’s a deal breaker. (GAL, GRL)

Life is an adventure and full of wild, cosmic mysteries. Our babies come to us from this source and we are all made of stardust. That is why I don’t think these names are too far out but are, in fact, very fitting to use. Honoring their journey with names that reflect how we know this about them is only right. It sounds like your older child was very insightful about something special with the new baby, perhaps. Good luck and please let us know what you choose! We’re excited for you.


Avoiding Punny Names With Surname “Ball”

Fan Question– “Hi! My sister just recommended that I like this page for help. We just found out that we will be having our second boy – yay! Our first son is named Grayson Lionel (last name Ball), he’s 4 (I swear that name wasn’t trendy 4 years ago! Lol) as a nod to his father. My husband’s name is Guy Lionel Ball IV. We broke the tradition but didn’t want to ignore it entirely. We do not call him Gray.

I like semi-unique or old fashioned names, not something they’ll have to explain or spell the rest of their lives! I am not a fan of alliteration and I don’t want another name that ends in -son or -on/en/in necessarily. Our last name poses a unique challenge since it seems super easy to create a distasteful nickname (no Harrison, Chase, etc). I’m at the beginning brainstorming stages and I’m at a loss! I like the name Fletcher because of its occupational meaning (arrow maker) but feel like it needs to be ruled out immediately since the nickname Fletch could easily change to Fetch (fetch the ball!) Other names I’ve toyed w are Julian (Jules), Felix, Emile, Milo. I got nothing as far as middle names. Help!! Please. I’m open to most suggestions!”

Glad you found us, and thank your sister for me. Congratulations on your upcoming addition.

I know, isn’t it always the way that it seems, that we liked a name and used it first?! Unfortunately, thousands of babies were being named Grayson around the time your son was born. I think we just become more aware of names when our own child has it. I know it has happened with each of mine, and I’m a name nerd who prides herself in being very aware. I think they just jump out at us more, like neon signs. It’s because the name is even more special for us once our child takes ownership of it.

You’re right about the challenges your surname faces, so good looking out. I can only imagine what your husband puts up with. I’d love to help you brainstorm some ideas, should be fun.

As far as Fletcher goes, I see where you are concerned, but just insist he go by Fletcher and not Fletch. After all, you have a Grayson and you don’t let anyone call him Gray (which could have been equally problematic). “Fletcher Ball” does sound a bit like “fetch yer ball”, though. For the time being I am going to keep it in the running in case you have a change of heart. It also occurs to me that Milo Ball may sound slightly like “my little ball”. It’s still a handsome name, but you might want to know.

So, without further ado, some considerations…

Tommy Oliver Ball
Rockwell Fabian Ball
Julian Max Ball
Misael Felix Ball (“Max”, possibly)
Derek Atlas Ball
Gavin Boris Ball
Milo Rowan Ball
Efraim Johann Ball
Cyrus Emile Ball
Emile Titus Ball
Charleston Trevor Ball (do not call Charlie unless you are okay with “Charlie Brown” similarity)
Jules Pi Ball
Julian Tanner Ball
Julian Xander Ball
Milo Fletcher Ball
Emil Guyson Ball
Marin Donald Ball
Aidyn Felix Ball
Milo Sylvain Ball
Felix Fletcher Ball
Jules Dunn Ball
Orion Verne Ball
Felix Dennis Ball
Fletcher Helix Ball
Douglas Beau Ball

Pro-tip: avoid names like Luke and Lucien, to get away from a Lucille Ball reference. Emile Ball has that same ring to it.

Other classic, old fashioned names to avoid for puns: Oscar Ball. Richard Ball. (Think about it.)

Some names here are more unusual, some are more classic, and some are trendier and more common. It was fun to play around with, though, and I hope you found something you liked. My readers and I are very curious what you’ll choose, so please do keep us posted!

Unique J Boys Names

Julie asked:

We need a boy name with a good meaning that starts with letter J! Something unique??;)

Sure, let me bounce some of these off of you and we’ll see what might work. “Unique” and “good” are totally relative, of course, so we just hope we can get somewhere in the arena of your taste.

“Supplanter”, means seizing by the heel, or following after. Usually has a negative vibe, but can be considered something of a trickster.
Unique because these days (in English speaking countries especially), it is unexpected for a baby but not unheard of.

Taken from Greek & French, roughly could mean “I am Orion”.
Pretty unique since it is invented. Downside is, it sounds a bit like “drying”.

Well… means “gentleman”…
Unique, and not for the faint of heart.

“to record”, “remember”, or “a sign”.

photo by Rudy Madian

Unique for English speakers, č®° could actually stand to be followed by another character. Most Chinese personal names have 2 characters. This is a good start, though.